Is Capitalism Dead??

It is Time we Examine the Current System

During the resent 2019 Bilderberg meetings in Montreux, Switzerland the world's elite discussed a number of issues. On the list of topics which were discussed was: The Future of Capitalism.

This is a very serious subject that does need to be openly examined and discussed. Since the world's elite do not, nor will not release any information on the discussions they held, beyond that they are planning a future for capitalism, that does need to be of concern to the masses. The reality is this topic DOES need to be openly discussed and reviewed, but sadly is ignored by most.

First off lets dispell any false narrative. Centrally planned economies are NOT a form of capitalism. Yet this is what we have festering throughout the western economies of today.  A centrally planned economy that has removed major elements of the free market system. Instead today we have a form of socialized oligopoly, where the very top elite class have been granted a free ride, through debt monetization, or what the Federal Reserve calls Quantitative Easing. Its the exact same thing as its goal is to print up funny money to take bad debt and push rates lower while pushing equities higher. Its the inflation of the monetary supply, pure and simple. This is banana republic type behavior. Something you'd expect from a third world nation. But instead the central banks have removed free market capitalism with something that some could consider elite socialism.

Capitalism is something completely different entirely. In real capitalism the entities that are the best managers of capital are allowed and able to grow and prosper, while those who are not good at managing capital are allowed to fail. In real capitalism there is a continuous reset of asset allocation from those who those are are least capable to those who are most capable. Today the global economy is bogged down and flooded by insolvent businesses that are absorbing valuable resources and yet are kept on life support with massive levels of debt at rates far below market levels.

What he have today is the opposite of capitalism, where central banks across the world are actual market participants, driving down the price of debt while pushing up price of assets. They are using trillions of dollars of printed money in an attempt to paper over their massive incompetence. If this were not enough we have failed corporations being rewarded with massive central bank bailouts to keep them alive with free money and executive managers walking away with massive bonuses as a reward for their lack of any real ability. Meanwhile the savers of society, the ones who value the future, are punished with real negative returns on their savings. The current system is a socialist centrally planned system of corruption where governments and Wall Street sheep celebrate the reallocation of wealth from those who earn and save it to those whom they deem to be worthy to be rewarded by central banks, regardless of their ability to manage money intelligently.

Under the current system there is zero balance between risk and reward. It is just a giant asset bubble fueled by Keynesian free money policies, all in the name of protecting the elites and political cronies from both sides of the isle. We have about as much capitalism today as you have health food in a Baskin Robbins. Today we have a bunch of fat lazy idiots living off of free money and manipulated asset prices. They expect us to be somehow impressed by their inability to allow free market capitalism to take hold and clear up this mess. They have put their own survival ahead of the global economy. So here we sit as things get worse, as dishonest individuals try to blame the current mess on capitalism.

The day we allowed the central banks to print money at will we saw the slow and methodical destruction of capitalism. Today capitalism is not something we get to experience. It has all been replaced with fake money, fake wealth and a massive debt bubble. The new system has been designed to benefit the top of socialized oligopoly food chain. You know, the ones who have now taken it upon themselves to work out the "future of capitalism". Not true capitalism mind you, but one which is firmly weighted in their favor. It starts and ends with free money  for the elite with risk free returns. This is what they want to refer to "capitalism" now. Their version of capitalism is missing many key elements of free market economics, but does share many elements of corrupt government bending to the will of a few while ignoring the laws of free market economics. At the end of the day this will not end well. Economic freedom has quickly been replaced by central planning.

We need to bring back Capitalism to fix our broken system

If we had anything close to true price discovery, this fake economy would not exist. But here we are in a fake government induced wonderland, where idiots are suggesting Capitalism is broken and elites are planning a new capitalism. Let me be VERY clear Capitalism is not broken. What we have today is nothing close to capitalism.

Literally trillions of dollars of free handouts and debt monetization is not capitalism. It is a government endorsed wealth transfer, which includes the defiance of free market economics, price discovery and the balance of risk-reward. Welcome to the socialist utopia, where you create a failing central planned economic system that has absolutely nothing to do with free market economics and when it fails you blame it on capitalism.

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